Naturally Trees - Expert Arborcultural Planning, Advice and Care Since 1998

Flora & Fauna Surveys and Reports

Naturally Trees Ecological Consultants specialise in flora and fauna surveys, including identification of fauna habitats and recognition of discrete ecological plant communities.

The Flora and Fauna Survey considers the environmental impact of a proposed development (including ancillary works such as asset protection zones, effluent disposal, stormwater management and landscaping works etc.) by addressing the relevant clauses from the applicable Local Environment Plan with respect to flora and fauna protection and management.  In addition, the assessment addresses the requirements of relevant state and federal legislation.

When is a Flora and Fauna report required for a Development Application?

In assessing a development application, Councils are obliged by law to give detailed consideration to the impact a development may have on the social, economic, natural and built environments under s79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. To ascertain if there is likely to be an impact on native vegetation and any significant impact on threatened species, a Flora and Fauna Report is to be lodged with a development application, if the property to be developed has the following characteristics:

  • contains native vegetation; or
  • contains remnant native trees; or
  • is adjacent to native vegetation (eg National Parks, bushland reserves); or
  • contains sensitive environmental areas that may contain fauna habitats (although they may not include vegetation) such as riparian areas and wetlands; and
  • where the proposal will directly or indirectly impact on this area, vegetation or natural features of the site (eg rock outcrop, slopes), for example by clearing, soil disturbance, runoff, waste water disposal, and implementation of Bushfire Asset Protection Zones.


Biodiversity & Ecological Impact Statements

Biodiversity and ecological impact assessments are undertaken to satisfy council’s requirements, as well as addressing relevant threatened species legislation such as ‘7-Part Tests’ – Assessment of Significance in relation to the State Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) and the Commonwealth Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

When is a Biodiversity & Ecological Impact Statement needed for a Development Application?   

Companies and individuals are required to demonstrate that environmental impacts of their activities can be appropriately managed as part of a development application process.

Naturally Trees has extensive experience in preparing Biodiversity and Ecological Impact Assessments to accompany client Development Applications. We can also assist in negotiating with regulatory authorities and meeting Conditions of Consent.







How often do we hear reports about the tragic loss of wildlife and mature trees across the world, and within our own suburbs. Trees are invaluable for their nest and shelter hollows and the very survival of many arboreal species.  Make a difference today. Visit

Important habitat